Study Abroad
Study Abroad Programs
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Getting Started & Advising
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Program Process
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Policies & Guidelines
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I am a student teacher at a Christian bilingual PreK-12 school called El Camino Academy. I work with a variety of classes from teaching Kindergarten letters and vocabulary to giving one-on-one ELL support to middle-schoolers and high-schoolers. The school focuses on discipleship and service in addition to excellent academics. Last week I was a chaperone for the 9th grade service trip where I helped the students teach English to kids at a school in a poorer area of the city, and the previous week I traveled to an island on the other side of the country to teach English at a school that doesn’t have an English teacher. I just started attending a church that does a lot of ministry for Venezuelans, and I’m excited to get involved in that ministry as well! I have lots of fun in Colombia! My favorite things about living here (other than teaching) include eating exotic fruit, exploring Bogotá, rock climbing, hiking, playing soccer, looking at the great mountain views, meeting new people, and practicing Spanish.
I’m excited that G5 is to Colombia, and I hope many come visit and fall in love with Colombia like I have! Also, El Camino Academy is looking for teachers for next year (shout out to all the education majors).
”Emily CamplejohnBogotá, Colombia - G5 Colombia - “
What I love about Study Abroad is that most people think of Greece and think of picturesque beaches and sandstone houses. However, this picture is located in mainland Greece, with snow capping the mountains in the distance. The rock formations to my right go on for quite some time and actually feature monasteries which you must hike to - built centuries ago for Greek Orthodox monks to flee religious persecution. I loved my time there and I reflect on it every day. I hope that this can possibly inspire someone else to embark on a journey to Greece!
”Colton TuckerMeteora, Greece - ISA - “
My name is Constance Schneider, and I am currently double-majoring in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Spanish here at Liberty. I went to Málaga, Spain this summer with LU Send. While I was there, I took two classes at the Universidad de Málaga and also did missions work with LU Send. I loved getting to experience a completely different culture during my homestay, experience a different learning environment as an international student, and work with refugees in the area. My study abroad trip offered me the opportunity to see the world from a different perspective and showed me the beauty of Spanish culture.
”Constance SchneiderMalaga, Spain - G5 Spain - “
My name is Virginia Peay. This summer I lived in Quito, Ecuador for 6 weeks with Living and Learning International. This was my first trip abroad and I absolutely adored it. I had an internship with Compassion International where I worked directly with their incredible Photojournalist and Communications team editing their Compassion stories as well as designing a 3’ 5’ meter mural that was placed in their Ecuador head quarters. I had such a wonderful time with the other students in the program as we travelled through Ecuador on the weekends and during our week long mission trip in the jungle.
I loved this program and the Living and Learning Team. Through all of the exciting things we did, my summer program director, Mika, the house director, Alex, who lead worship nights, and the quiet times, I was truly challenged and encouraged in my faith.
”Virginia PeayQuito, Ecuador - LLI - “
The opportunity to intern in London is an experience I will never forget. I instantly fell in love with the city’s beauty, people and culture. I learned so much about myself as well as the Lord’s great affection for the world while I was away.
One thing that I was not expecting was the “reverse-culture shock” that I would face upon my return. It was challenging to reinsert myself into my American life when I had changed so much in such a short time. Advice that I would give to anyone going abroad is this: treasure your experiences in your heart, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable in sharing all of the highs and lows of your experiences with people. When you return home, be present and remember that you can change the world there, too.
”Savannah PerryLondon, England - ISA - “
The four months I spent in Italy were the best four months of my life! From skiing the Alps to visiting small Italian villages to riding camels in the Sahara Desert, the experiences I had studying abroad were unforgettable. I traveled to eleven countries in Europe in addition to visiting Morocco, and while I had incredible fun traveling the world, I also learned more about different cultures and languages than I ever thought possible. I lived in a local’s city, so no one except my classmates spoke English, and thus, I had to learn to adapt my communication while trying to speak their language. Studying abroad also taught me to have greater trust in God. I had prayed for months that God would provide another Christian in my program, and sure enough, God provided, like He always does. Studying abroad was an experience of a lifetime and I would highly recommend that anyone who has a desire to learn about international cultures or simply experience life outside of the U.S. to study abroad!
”Zac SicherTorino, Italy - USAC - “
I am not your typical college student. I’m studying for my Bachelor’s Degree online through Liberty University, at 46 years old, while working full time, with a husband, a daughter in college, and a son in High School. But I promised myself, if I was going to do this degree program, I would take every opportunity available to me to enrich my life, such as LU Send.
Any apprehension that I might not be greeted warmly due to my age was quickly laid to rest upon meeting the charming students that I would get to have this incredible experience with.
What I learned on this trip was that I am a unique and multifaceted person that has very diverse interests, and this trip fed my soul. Castles, museums and INCREDIBLE history around every corner. Taking in the amazing surroundings of England and soaking up every educational opportunity at my fingertips, all while making incredible new friends and fulfilling my dream of seeing as much of God’s beautiful earth as possible, this trip was truly a gift.
Quite simply, studying abroad in London changed my life in a way that only God can. It was a journey of self-discovery and self-love, and an incredible amount of fun. God showed me what I am capable of on this trip, and there is no stopping me now. I would not trade one moment of this experience for anything.
Follow your heart, listen to what God is saying to you, and go…study…abroad!
”Susan JonesLondon, England - CEA - “
You can never really begin to grasp how big God is until you take a step out of your own corner of the world and begin to interact with different people in new places – especially with those who look, think, and act differently than you. Throughout my time student teaching at West Nairobi School in Kenya, I not only was able to build relationships with locals, but also with students and staff from all over the world. Every day was like a taste of heaven on earth. Who wouldn’t want an experience like that? I never would have considered myself as an ideal candidate to live and teach in Africa. Yet the Lord stretched and grew me in so many ways as Nairobi began to become home. Anyone who is looking to experience God in a new and fresh way and grow like never before should pursue a study abroad or international internship opportunity. You won’t regret it!
”Katherine DrudingNairobi, Kenya - Intern Student Teaching - “
My time studying in Berlin Germany helped me see things from a broader perspective. Through many conversations I had with those I met, I gained a better understanding not only of cultures outside of the US but also of how these cultures view America. When people found out I was American questions almost immediately began about Trump, the proposed wall, and the why behind them both. But as I would talk to people about these things, I also began to understand their stance and why they held that position. It helped me to see things from a perspective that was not my own.
Over spring break I traveled to the UK. One evening, I was talking to some of the other guests at the hostel I was at; they were all from other parts of Europe. As we were talking about our different cultures and languages, one man from Greece pointed out how lucky I was. English is my first language and because of that I can easily converse with people from other countries. But for him and most Europeans, he was required to learn English as it is the common language that unites Europe and much of the world. It was this conversation and many others like it during my time in Europe that left me with a better understanding of the views of other cultures and how Americans are perceived.
”Laura GottfriedBerlin, Germany - AIFS - “
Studying abroad was outrageously surreal. There are no words to accurately describe what an extraordinary experience it was to meet all kinds of people, experience a culture completely different than ours, and jump into something with blind faith. I was in Florence, Italy for eight weeks and I just have to brag on the personality of the town. The people were eager to share their customs with us, the architecture and art was stunning, and the amount I was able to learn in such a short time was incomparable. One takeaway I learned from this experience was how laid back an authentic Italian city is. We are very go-go-go, but Florence still held the unplugged charm of an older time. People stayed out late, spent hours talking over dinner, and stopped in the middle of the cobblestone streets to start a conversation… life was like something out of a movie. At first, this was a bit of a shock to me - I always feel like there is somewhere to be. Florentines are casual and want to spend time with each other. This trip reminded me that all the piles of stuff we collect in this life mean nothing in the end. Instead, we need to focus on our souls. Quality time is so important and taking the time to study abroad is definitely some healthy quality time we could all use. Florence has my heart; I so recommend venturing out there yourself so it can take yours.
”Mackenzie MurphyFlorence, Italy - ISA - “
I’d always known I wanted to study abroad, but when the time came to pack my bags and go, I was a nervous wreck. Now that I’m on the other side of it, I can confidently say I’m glad I faced my fears and spent a semester in Seville, Spain. My program, CEA, gave me the opportunity to take classes for my strategic communication major and digital media video and Spanish minors while exploring a new city and a new way of life. My classes were amazing, but I learned the most important lessons outside the classroom. I honed my Spanish skills over meals with my host mom, conquered my fear of flying, mastered the art of the European weekend trip and made meaningful connections with people from different cultures. Study abroad was not without its difficulties. It was hard to adjust to living in a homestay. The Andalusian accent had me questioning whether I knew how to speak Spanish at all. I struggled to draw myself out of my shell and meet new people. But the challenges I faced were nothing compared to the personal growth I experienced. I returned to the states a more confident, culturally aware, and mature version of myself. God blessed me in so many ways during my semester abroad, and I want everyone to have the kind of experience I did through LU Send.
”Shannon GageFlorence, Italy - CEA