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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Korr, Kenya
  • Program Terms: Spring
  • This program is currently not accepting applications.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Identifier: 12523 LU Send Map: Faculty-Led Programs
Coordinator: Richard Coe Schools: John W. Rawlings School of Divinity
Course Options: CLCM 497, CSER, GLST 380, GLST 630 Terms: Spring
International: YES Program Type: Faculty Led
Program Provider: LU Send CQ Payment: 29
Deposit: 350 Payment 1: 898
Payment 2: 898 Final Payment: 897
Signature Documents: Academic Enrichment Guidelines and Requirements, Application Signature (Group Travel), Assumption of Risk (International), Assumption of Risk COVID-19 Addendum (International), Cancellation and Refund Policy (International), COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Information, GDPR - Consent Form for Sharing Criminal Activity Data, GDPR - Consent Form to Disclose Health and Medical Information, Participant Agreement (Group Travel), Passport Responsibility Acknowledgement, Statement of Faith Questionnaires: Biography Information, COVID-19 Test Results, COVID-19 Vaccine Information (Post), Emergency Contact Information, GDPR - Consent Form Permissions Questionnaire, Medical Information (Group Travel), Passport Submission (Post), Student Application (Group Travel), Transit Form
Learning Content: Excused Absence Form, GDPR - Privacy Disclosure for Individuals Located in the European Economic Area, Insurance Documents Material Submissions: Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Assessment (Group Travel), Deposit, Final Payment, Payment 1, Payment 2
Program Description:


Application Deadline








Academic Enrichment

Estimated Cost

Trip Overview

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Travel Resources

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Travel Safety

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Traveler Checklist

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Packing Guide

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Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 10/15/2024
Rolling Admission 03/07/2025 03/15/2025

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.

Indicates that deadline has passed

This program is currently not accepting applications.